1、Effects of gadolinium on the microstructure and
corrosion resistance properties of ZK60 magnesium
Wang, Ping (Xi'an Technological University); Li,
Jianping; Ma, Qun Source: Xiyou Jinshu Cailiao Yu
Gongcheng/Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, v
37, n 6, June, 2008, p 1056-1059 Language: Chinese
Database: Compendex
2、Optical thin-film depositing monitoring systems with four-light
Xu, Shi-Jun (Department of Mathematics and Physics,
Xi'an Technological University); Ren, Xiao-Ling
Source: Guangxue Jingmi Gongcheng/Optics and
Precision Engineering, v 16, n 6, June, 2008, p
1031-1036 Language: Chinese
Database: Compendex
3、Preparation and properties of Ge23Se67Sb10 glass
Xu, Junfeng (Xi'an Technological University); Jian,
Zengyun; Chang, Fange; Qu, Min Source: Xiyou Jinshu
Cailiao Yu Gongcheng/Rare Metal Materials and
Engineering, v 37, n 4, April, 2008, p 740-743
Language: Chinese
Database: Compendex
4、Partnership selection of agile virtual enterprise based on grey
ant colony algorithm
Fang, Y.D. (Institute of Mechanical and Electrical
Engineer, Xi'an Technological University); Du, L.H.;
Chen, H.; Sun, B.; He, Y.L. Source: Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes
in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in
Bioinformatics), v 5103 LNCS, n PART 3,
Computational Science - ICCS 2008 - 8th
International Conference, Proceedings, 2008, p
Database: Compendex
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