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【来源】Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2010, 491 (1-2): 395-401
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【题名】Phase selection of undercooled solidification of Ni-4.5 wt% B alloy
【来源】Journal of Materials Research,2013,28(24):3347-3354
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【题名】In situ observation of solidification of undercooled hypoeutectic Ni–Ni3B alloy melt
【来源】Journal of Materials Research,2013,28(14):1891-1902
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【题名】Kinetics of dendrite growth and dendritic fragmentation in the undercooled Co-81.2 Cu-18.8 alloy's melt
【来源】Metallurgical Research & Technology,2014,111(5):295-303
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【来源】Metallurgical Research & Technology, 2014,111(5):321-328
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【题名】Recrystallization of as-solidified highly-undercooled Fe(40)Ni(40)B(2)0 eutectic alloy: In situ formation of duplex structure
【来源】Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 575: 444-448
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【题名】Phase selection in undercooled Ni-3.3 wt% B alloy melt
【来源】Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,2013,44(3):1401-1408
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【题名】Undercooled solidification of Ni-3.3 wt% B alloy and cooling curve description
【来源】Materials Science and Technology,2013,29(1): 36-42
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【题名】Determination of solid fraction from cooling curve
【来源】Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,2012,43(11):1268-1276
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【题名】Simple approach for description of undercooled solidification
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【题名】Phase selection and microstructure formation in undercooled Co-61.8at.%Si melts under various containerless processing condi- tions
【来源】Acta Mater, 2013, 61: 4861-4873
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【题名】Parameter determination of the critical nucleation frequency in solidification of the undercooled metallic melts
【来源】Materials Science and Technology,2012,28(6):690-694
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【题名】Comparison of baseline method and DSC measurement for determining phase fractions
【来源】Materials Science and Technology, 2012,28(7):1420-1425
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【题名】Baseline method for determining the solid fraction
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【题名】Density, Viscosity, and Diffusion Coefficients in Hypoeutectic Al-Si Liquid Alloys: An Assessment of Available Data
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【来源】Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science,2014,45A(9):3954-3970
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【题名】Microstructural and mechanical behavior study of suction cast Nb–Si binary alloys
【来源】Mater Sci Eng A, 2013, 583: 188-198